Lirik Lagu Rohani “Alive”
Penyanyi/Artist: Giselle
Album Lagu: –
Tahun Rilis: –
Kunci Dasar/Key: –
Verse 1
I was lost with a broken heart
You picked me up now I’m set apart
From the ash I am born again
Forever safe in the Savior’s hands
Verse 2
You are more than my words could say
I’ll follow You Lord for all my days
I’ll fix my eyes follow in Your ways
Forever free in unending grace
You are You are You are my freedom
We lift You higher lift You higher
Your love Your love Your love
Never ending
You are alive in us
Nothing can take Your place
You are all we need
Your love has set us free
Verse 3
In the midst of the darkness night
Let Your love be the shining light
Breaking chains that were holding me
You sent Your Son down and set me free
Verse 4
Everything of this world will fade
I’m pressing on till I see Your face
I will live that Your will be done
I won’t stop till Your kingdom come