Lirik dan Chord Lagu Rohani “Love Of My Life”
Penyanyi/Artist: IFGF Praise
Album Lagu: Bigger Than We Know
Tahun Rilis: 2016
Key: D
Verse 1
D A Bm G
One thing that I want more Is to be close to You
D A Bm G
My Joy is found in Your love all of my days
Pre Chorus
Em Bm A Em Bm A
I’m running to You, You’re my reason to live
D Em
You’re my hope, my strength
Bm G
I trust in Your name, the love of my life
D Em
So I lift my hands
Bm G
In praise I will sing, the love of my life
Verse 2
D A/C# Bm G
Jesus, You’re all that I want, all that I need
D A/C# Bm G
I give all that I have, all I hold dear
A Bm
All my fears and my doubts have fled
In the power of the cross
A Bm
Now I stand firm in Your great love
G (D)
The anchor of my soul