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The One by Brandon Heath

Lirik Lagu Rohani “The One by Brandon Heath”

Penyanyi/Artist: Brandon Heath
Album Lagu:
Tahun Rilis:
Kunci Dasar/Key:

Verse 1

If I see one more light that’s fading
Hear about one more broken dream
Pray for just one more faith that’s dying
It’s one too many

And if I see one more child walking
Just one more mile for water
If I wait one more minute longer
It’s one too many


When I think of what could be
If we let our hearts believe
That it takes just one
Just one could turn this all around

And if we’re living history
How will they think of you and me
If it takes just one, just one
What if, what if, what if I’m the one

Verse 2

If I hear one more widow crying
‘Cause there’s no one by her side
If I see one more family breaking
It’s one too many

If there’s one thing that I’m sure of
If there’s one thing that I know
You could be one in a sea of faces
Or you could be one more chance for hope


I see a nation without any walls
A beautiful haven for one and for all
I see a day when people are free
When shackles are broken and fall to the street
A voice, a cry, call out from on high
The first one of many go lay down your life..


What if you’re the one
What if I’m the one
What if you’re the one

Tentang lagupujian

Selamat datang di, Temukan ribuan koleksi lirik dan chord atau kunci gitar lagu rohani Kristen, lagu pujian, lagu worship, lagu natal, lagu sekolah minggu, lagu penyembahan, lagu gereja, lagu rohani daerah, lagu rohani Indonesia, lagu rohani barat, lagu kidung jemaat dengan koleksi terlengkap dan terbaru.Terimakasih sudah berkunjung kalian bisa berkontribusi untuk menambah lirik lgu rohani, dsb, dengan terlebih dahulu mendaftar pada panel pedaftaran angota.Jika ada lirik atau chord lagu yang dicari tidak ditemukan atau ingin menghubungi kami, silahkan hubungi kami disini atau gunakan tautan media sosial  kami dibawah biografi ini.Terimakasih.

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