Lirik Lagu Rohani “Worship The Lord”
Penyanyi/Artist: Symphony Music
Album Lagu: –
Tahun Rilis: –
Kunci Dasar/Key: –
O worship the Lord, in the beauty of holiness
Bow down before Him, His glory proclaim
With gold of obedience, and incense of lowliness
Kneel and adore Him, the Lord is His Name
Hallelujah, haleluya
Jesus is the Lord
Give glory to His Name
Hallelujah, haleluya
Jesus is the King
Who reigns for evermore
Jesus is the King
Who reigns for evermore
then in Indonesian
Kusembah Tuhan dalam tempat kudusNya
Sujud menyembah dan mulikan Dia
Kurendahkan diri membawa korban pujian
Yesuslah Tuhan layak disembah
Haleluya, haleluya
Yesuslah Tuhan
Muliakan namaNya
Haleluya, haleluya
Yesuslah Raja
Mem’rintah s’lamanya