Lirik Lagu Rohani “He’s Been Good / Dia Baik”
Penyanyi/Artist: Franky Sihombing
Album Lagu: –
Tahun Rilis: –
Kunci Dasar/Key: –
Verse 1
I have known the Father’s care for me
He’s been good, He’s been good
Through it all He’s always there for me
God’s been good for me
Through the storms, through the night
Come what may everything will be all right
I have known the Father’s care for me
He’s been good to me
Indonesian Version
Verse 1
Ku tahu Bapa p’liharaku
Dia baik, Dia baik
Ku yakin Dia s’lalu sertaku
Dia baik bagiku
Lewat badai cobaan
Semuanya mendatangkan kebaikan
Ku tahu Bapa p’liharaku
Dia baik bagiku