Home / Hillsong London / Shout Your Fame

Shout Your Fame

Lirik Lagu Rohani “Shout Your Fame”

Penyanyi/Artist: Hillsong London
Album Lagu:
Tahun Rilis:
Kunci Dasar/Key:

Verse 1

Some say You’re just a good man
Some say You were kind
Some say You are in the grave
But I say You’re alive

Verse 2

Some say You’re just a prophet
Some say You were wise
Some say You were just a man
But I say You are God, You are my God


I will shout Your fame to all the earth
I will lift Your name on high
And the world will know Your greatness
You are my God
I will shout Your fame

Verse 3

I know You’re the Messiah
You gave Your life for me
And I know You’re the only way
Jesus You are God, You are my God

Chorus 2

I will shout Your fame to all the earth
I will life Your name on high
I will show the world Your greatness
You are my God, Jesus I will

Shout Your fame to all the earth
I will lift Your name on high
I will show the world Your goodness
As I live a life that shouts Your fame
As I live a life that shouts Your fame


Jesus I decide to live
Live a life that shouts Your fame
Shout Your fame
(repeat 4x)


Shout Your fame (4x)

Tentang lagupujian

Selamat datang di www.lagupujian.com, Temukan lebih dari 5000 koleksi lirik lagu rohani dan chord/kunci gitar lagu rohani Kristen, lagu pujian, lagu worship, lagu natal, lagu sekolah minggu, lagu penyembahan, lagu gereja, lagu rohani daerah, lagu rohani Indonesia, lagu rohani barat, lagu kidung jemaat dengan koleksi terlengkap dan terbaru. Terimakasih sudah berkunjung kalian bisa berkontribusi untuk menambah lirik lgu rohani, dsb, dengan terlebih dahulu mendaftar pada panel pedaftaran angota. Jika ada lirik yang dicari tidak ditemukan atau ingin menghubungi kami, silahkan hubungi kami disini atau gunakan tautan media sosial  kami dibawah biografi ini. Terimakasih.

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